
Cruising at Manhasset Bay Yacht Club is committed to dispelling the myth that cruising means long distances and multi-day adventures.  Cruising in its purest form just means we aren’t racing, so no setting watches to the first warning blast or determining if the pin end is favored.  And although we do plan on holding some overnights and longer sails to visit yacht clubs and other destinations, most of the MBYC Cruising events will be geared towards short sails ranging from 1 to 4 hours.

FAQs and responses to common misconceptions about the Cruising Committee.

I don’t have a boat, I can’t participate. – Wrong!  Ask any boat owner in the fleet and they will tell you that new guests are always welcome aboard. The MBYC-CC specifically wants you to join, hear your ideas and enjoy a great sail with our fantastic fleet.

I don’t have time to do overnight sails or spend an entire weekend away.  – Perfect!  Most of our sails will be local and only a few hours long.

I’ve never crewed on a big boat, so I won’t know what to do. – No worries, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. You’ll get the hang of it soon enough.

I don’t know any of these boat owners on the dock, I can’t just jump on their boat. – Wrong!  These members are docked here to engage the membership.  MBYC is your home away from home, come let us introduce you to your extended family.

I race all summer long; this cruising stuff ain’t for me. – Don’t be so sure.  We bet you can tolerate sailing the Sound with some fine folks while enjoying cocktails along the way.  We are confident you will appreciate the opportunity to
decompress, and it would be great to have your experience onboard.

This sounds awesome, how do I sign up? – Great question, just email Rear Commodore and Committee Chair, Dave Cielusniak at